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Назва — сценарій переіндексування бібліографічних та віторитетних MARC-записів у БД Zebra.
Використовуйте це пакетне завдання, щоб переіндексувати усі бібліотечні або авторитетні записи у Вашій базі даних Koha.
-b index bibliographic records
-a index authority records
-daemon Run in daemon mode. The program will loop checking for entries on the zebraqueue table, processing them incrementally if present, and then sleep for a few seconds before repeating the process Checking the zebraqueue table is done with a cheap SQL query. This allows for near realtime update of the zebra search index with low system overhead. Use -sleep to control the checking interval.
Daemon mode implies -z, -a, -b. The program will refuse to start if options are present that do not make sense while running as an incremental update daemon (e.g. -r or -offset).
-sleep 10 Seconds to sleep between checks of the zebraqueue table in daemon mode. The default is 5 seconds.
-z select only updated and deleted records marked in the zebraqueue table. Cannot be used with -r or -s.
--skip-deletes only select record updates, not record deletions, to avoid potential excessive I/O when zebraidx processes deletions. If this option is used for normal indexing, a cronjob should be set up to run -z without --skip-deletes during off hours. Only effective with -z.
-r clear Zebra index before adding records to index. Implies -w.
-d Temporary directory for indexing. If not specified, one is automatically created. The export directory is automatically deleted unless you supply the -k switch.
-k Do not delete export directory.
-s Skip export. Used if you have already exported the records in a previous run.
-nosanitize export biblio/authority records directly from DB marcxml field without sanitizing records. It speed up dump process but could fail if DB contains badly encoded records. Works only with -x,
-w skip shadow indexing for this batch
-y do NOT clear zebraqueue after indexing; normally, after doing batch indexing, zebraqueue should be marked done for the affected record type(s) so that a running zebraqueue_daemon doesn't try to reindex the same records - specify -y to override this. Cannot be used with -z.
-v increase the amount of logging. Normally only warnings and errors from the indexing are shown. Use log level 2 (-v -v) to include all Zebra logs.
--length 1234 how many biblio you want to export --offset 1243 offset you want to start to example: --offset 500 --length=500 will result in a LIMIT 500,1000 (exporting 1000 records, starting by the 500th one
note that the numbers are NOT related to biblionumber, that's the intended behaviour. --where let you specify a WHERE query, like itemtype='BOOK' or something like that
--run-as-root explicitily allow script to run as 'root' user
--wait-for-lock when not running in daemon mode, the default behavior is to abort a rebuild if the rebuild lock is busy. This option will cause the program to wait for the lock to free and then continue processing the rebuild request,
--table specify a table (can be items, biblioitems, biblio, biblio_metadata) to retrieve biblionumber to index. biblioitems is the default value.
--help or -h show this message.